Taraxacum atactum Sahlin & Soest, a dandelion
Voucher H5035, a specimen collected 29 March 1975 on the same roadside mossy bank as T. gelertii and T. cf. longisquameum at Roosky Td, 7 km NW of Enniskillen, was det A.J. Richards in 2008.
The Dandelion Handbook lists just three Irish VCs where this dandelion has previously been collected, NE Galway (H17), Co Dublin (H21) and Co Sligo (H28). Oddly, the Sligo occurrence, the nearest of the three VCs to Fermanagh, is not plotted on the Dandelion Handbook Map 52. Perhaps this is or was an oversight.
The Field Handbook hectad map displays a greatly enhanced knowledge of the occurrence and distribution of T. atactum in Ireland with around 33 squares scattered in both midland and coastal areas, almost all within the RoI (Richards 2021).
Field Handbook; Dandelion Handbook